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  • 11/22/2019
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The Melancholic Subject in Kazuo Ishiguro's The Unconsoled



期:46  頁碼:13-36



諾貝爾文學獎得主石黑一雄的小說《未得安撫者》(The Unconsoled) (1995)被公認是他所有作品中最具實驗性的一部,原因在於小說中充滿了卡夫卡式、超現實的創作風格與扭曲的時空感,呈現焦慮的夢所具有的特色。石黑一雄又一次在其作品中反映自身的離散經驗,在本部作品裡他描述一位懷著未撫平的傷痛、貌似「無家可歸」的音樂家夢遊般的無意識旅程。本文剖析小說中無意識漫遊如何呈現這位音樂家過去難以言喻的創傷,筆者並將根據拉卡普拉(LaCapra)的論述,主張書中主角以及他的分身角色們(doppelgängers)至终都維持著憂鬱主體的狀態,其原因並非如多數評論者所認為的,是在於創傷本身無法治癒,而是在於創傷所致的歷史失落與其心理結構上的空缺形成疊覆,而此二者的疊覆不僅反映於主角對於家庭團圓的冀求與焦慮,也反映在文本中所呈現的集體懷舊與對完滿社會的想像和渴求──小說主角反覆重演創傷經歷,此憂鬱狀態其實隱含著拉卡普拉(LaCapra)所謂的錯置的懷舊(misplaced nostalgia)。


Kazuo Ishiguro’s novel The Unconsoled is widely acknowledged as the most

experimental one of his oeuvres owing to its Kafkaesque style, distorted temporality and spatiality, as well as various characteristics of an anxiety dream. Reflecting his diasporic experience, Ishiguro depicts an oneiric itinerary of a “homeless” musician who is haunted by his murky and traumatic past. This paper aims to explore the protagonist’s unconscious itinerary symptomatic of the unspeakable trauma in the past. In light of LaCapra’s indication of the impossibility of mourning caused by converting the psychic absence into loss in the case of trauma, the author asserts that at the end of the novel, Ryder, along with his doppelgängers in the anonymous city, remains unconsoled not because, as many critics would argue, the trauma is incurable but because the historical loss caused by the trauma is converged with the psychic lack, which is implicit in the collective nostalgia for prelapsarian plenitude. The protagonist’s melancholic condition of repetitive enactment of his traumatic experience actually insinuates what LaCapra considers to be “misplaced

nostalgia,” a represented form of endless melancholy.

Keywords: diasporic identity, trauma, melancholy, memory, amnesia, nostalgia

