Spammer group detection using machine learning technology for observation of new spammer behavioral features
作者:Li-Chen Cheng, Hsiao-Wei Hu, Chia-Chi WU
Journal of Global Information Management (SSCI)
Recently, the rapid growth in the number of customer reviews on e-commence platforms and in the amount of user generated content has begun to have a profound impact on customer purchasing decisions. To counter the negative impact of social media marketing, some firms have begun hiring people to generate fake reviews which either promote their own products or damage their competitor’s reputation. This study proposes a framework, which takes advantage of both supervised and unsupervised learning techniques, for the observation of behaviors among spammers. Then, based on the behavior of participants on web forums, we build up a post-reply network. The main focus is on the behavior-related features of the reviews, their propagation and their popularity. The primary objective of this study is to build an effective online spammer detection model and the method detailed in this work can be used to improve the performance of spammer detection models. An experiment is carried out with a real dataset, the results of which indicate that these new features are important for identifying spammers. Finally, random walk clustering is applied to investigate the post-reply network. Some interesting and important features are observed in the interactions between a group of spammers which could be subjected to further research.
類別 | 標題 | 登刊日期 |
校園頭條 | 賀!商學院育成中心彭仁鴻執行長 獲管理界最高榮譽「呂鳳章先生紀念獎章」 | 10/28/2024 |
校園頭條 | 恭賀李韋宏學長 榮獲第十二屆傑出大陸台商創新經營獎 | 11/22/2024 |
校園頭條 | 全國資訊創新競賽 東吳資管系再創佳績 | 11/21/2024 |
校園頭條 | 校級赴外交換研修說明暨分享會 鼓勵同學赴海外研修 | 11/21/2024 |
校園頭條 | 韌性校園 永續大學成果展暨AI黑客松競賽 展現高教深耕計畫豐碩成果 | 11/21/2024 |