Efficiency Evaluation of the Regional High-Tech Industry in China: A New Framework Based on Meta-frontier Dynamic DEA Analysis
作者:Lan-bing Li, Bing-lian Liu, Wei-lin Liu, Yung-Ho Chiu
Socio-Economic Planning Sciences
卷:60 頁碼: 24-33
This paper proposes a new framework based on the combination of the dynamic DEA, meta-frontier analysis theory, and truncated regression model, and then focuses on the efficiency evaluation of regional high-tech industries in China. For all of the overall technical efficiency, technical efficiency, and scale efficiency scores, the east area is always in the lead, with the central and west areas obviously lagging behind. The eastern area has the highest technology level, whereas the west and central areas fall behind in turn. However, the meta-technology ratio of the west area has rapidly increased and presents a trend of catching up with the east. The variables of GRP per capital, total exports and imports, highway mileage per capita, and ratio of tertiary industry to GRP have positive relationships with technical efficiency, and the time trend exhibits a negative coefficient.
類別 | 標題 | 登刊日期 |
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校園頭條 | 恭賀李韋宏學長 榮獲第十二屆傑出大陸台商創新經營獎 | 11/22/2024 |
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