Depressive status moderates the association between cognitive ability and psychological resilience in young adults
作者:Lin, S.-H.*, Huang, T.-Y., Liao, Y.-C., Wu, C.-H., Hsieh, S., Yang, C.-T.*
Current Psychology (SSCI)
Early Access:MAR 2024
Associations among cognitive ability, depressive symptoms, and psychological resilience have been found, but the interaction among these variables remains unclear, especially for young adults. The current study aimed to investigate how these variables interact in young adults. A total of 192 participants (97 female) with a mean age of 21.84 years (range 19–30 years) were analyzed for this study. Participants’ cognitive ability was assessed by the Taiwanese version of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA). Depressive status was evaluated by the revision of Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II). Participants with a score of 14 or above were defined as mild-to-severe-depressed (MSD). Otherwise, they were defined as minimal-depressed (MD). For the psychological resilience measurement, a Chinese version of the Resilience Scale for Adults (RSA) was used. Using linear regression adjusted for gender and age, this study found a significant interaction between cognitive ability, depressive status, and psychological resilience in young adults. Specifically, higher cognitive ability was linked to lower resilience in those with MSD, as indicated by a negative relationship (B = −6.519, p = .044). Conversely, in MD individuals, cognitive ability and resilience showed no significant correlation. These findings suggested that depressive status significantly modulates how cognitive ability impacts psychological resilience, emphasizing the importance of customizing mental health interventions based on individual cognitive and emotional profiles.
類別 | 標題 | 登刊日期 |
校園頭條 | 國教與高教攜手推動校園「生命教育」的實踐與價值 | 01/15/2025 |
校園頭條 | 賀!本校獲選數位人文跨域人才智慧領航典範型計畫 Digital Humanity Interdisciplinary Talent Smart Leadership Project | 01/15/2025 |
校園頭條 | 第三週期大學校院校務評鑑實地訪評圓滿完成 | 01/15/2025 |
校園頭條 | 東吳大學攜手日本刀協會 見證日台文化交流新創舉 | 01/14/2025 |
校園頭條 | 資訊管理學系113學年度專題競賽成果嘉年華 | 01/14/2025 |