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New measures adopted by Soochow University in response to COVID-19 pandemic

  • 05/22/2021
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  • 校園頭條
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  • 資料提供:
  • 圖片標題:08.jpg
  • 圖片標題:07.jpg

1.All classes to be conducted on-line till the end of the semester on 26 June 2021.

2.Campus shall remain closed to visitors without prior appointment.

3.Foreign students, should they decide to depart Taiwan, are advised to take into account the current border restrictions and possibilities of re-entering Taiwan in the immediate future, and to make necessary arrangements with their instructors on their on-line courses.

4.Graduate students may apply to take their oral defense (including qualifications) in person or via remote video conference. Such decisions shall be reached with consensus from their advisors and department office, and must be specified in the applications and approved by the Office of Academic Affairs. The entire conference shall be videotaped. Interviews for PhD students shall be held on campus in person, and under the guidelines of pandemic protocols.

5.The 2021 commencement ceremony shall be held on-line by the university, with details to be decided upon and announced at a later date. All other department level graduation related activities shall be cancelled.

6.Classes at the Extension School have either been remodified into on-line learning or deferred, suspended. For details please refer to messages sent through e-mail, mobile phone, or web-site. https://www.ext.scu.edu.tw/

7.Classes at the Chinese Language Center shall begin on 31 May 2021 in Femgya Hall. After the first week of classes under strict guidelines of pandemic protocols, decisions shall be made as to whether or when to switch to on-line learning.



1.本學期遠距教學延至 110 年 6 月 26 日 學期末。





6.推廣部部份課程已採遠距教學,其他課程順延或停課等公告,請以推廣部官方網站(https://www.ext.scu.edu.tw/ 與手機簡訊或 Email 通知為主。
