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  • 12/30/2021
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  • 圖片標題:20211203研究組(橫).jpg



Electrochemical characterization of and theoretical insight into a series of 2D MOFs, [M(bipy)(C4O4)(H2O)2]×3H2O (M = Mn (1), Fe (2), Co (3) and Zn (4)), for chemical sensing applications

作者:Yi-Ting Hsieh, Ssu-Chia Huang, Shih-I. Lu, Hsiao-Hsun Wang,

Tsai-Wen Chang, Chih-Chieh Wang, Gene-Hsiang Lee and Yu-Chun Chuang

RSC Advances (SCI)




化學系從109學年度開始執行科技部化學學門「Chemical Bonding --化學鍵」整合型研究計畫,以「配位聚合物在電化學感測器的應用--實驗與理論的研究」為研究題目,王志傑特聘教授為計畫總主持人,呂世伊主任與謝伊婷副教授為共同主持人,經過一年的努力,近期在英國皇家化學會的RSC Advances期刊上共同發表其研究成果,研究論文題目為「Electrochemical characterization of and theoretical insight into a series of 2D MOFs, [M(bipy)(C4O4)(H2O)2]3H2O (M = Mn (1), Fe (2), Co (3) and Zn (4)), for chemical sensing applications」,RSC Advances的期刊影響係數(Impact Factor; IF)為3.267,屬於Q2等級的化學期刊。此一研究成果不僅整合了化學系跨領域的研究團隊,亦開創了化學系新的研究領域,提升化學系整體的研究能量。


The electrochemical sensing applications of a series of water-stable 2D metal–organic framework (MOF)- modified screen-printed carbon electrodes (SPCEs) are reported. The MOF materials in this study are [M(bipy)(C4O4)(H2O)2]$3H2O, in which bipy ¼ 4,40-bipyridine and M ¼ Mn, Fe, Co and Zn. The MOF materials are characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM), showing that the MOFs have a layer-by-layer rod structure with a smooth surface. We use the nitrofurazone molecule as a probe to investigate the influence of the metal ions of MOFs on electrochemical sensing ability. Cyclic voltammetry demonstrated that the Mn-MOF electrode of interest delivered stronger signals than that of other electrodes. Through first-principles calculations, we also revealed that the change in the spin polarization of divalent metal ions passing from the free ion state to the MOF environment appeared to be significantly correlated with the enhancement in the peak response current. The theoretical and experimental results consistently indicate that Mn-MOF has the smallest bandgap and good sensitivity among these MOF materials. Accordingly, we proposed a simple

model to illustrate this observation and disclosed the importance of the electron configuration of the transition metal constructing the MOF materials used in improving electrochemical sensing applications.

