Invisible tie between Caesar and God: Creation and development of traditional Taiwanese religious governance networks
作者:Tso, Yi-En
卷:28 期:2
台灣傳統宗教廟宇在地方上具有提供宗教服務、維繫地方居民情感,以及作為民眾相互資訊交流平台等多重功能。這些廟宇除了扮演著地方信仰中心,具有凝聚群眾向心力、號召參與各項公共事務外,同時也協助政府在地方上推動各項公共政策、推廣各項政令,成為參與地方治理工作重要的政策夥伴。本研究目的在瞭解台北市士林區主要廟宇:芝山岩惠濟宮,如何透過宗教儀式、節慶祭典等相關活動與地方民眾、政府組織及相關參與者產生互動。同時分析地方居民是如何透過此種藉由宗教而所建立之互動關係,與其他參與者結合成具在地特色之地方治理網絡(local governance network)。進而探討此治理網絡之發展現況,及未來可能的方向。
This study aims to understand how the Taiwanese traditional religious policy creates a local religious governance network in which a religious organization (Hui-Ji Temple), residents, and government officials are connected by holding religious rites and services in Taipei City. Through direct observation and interviews with critical network participants, the author found that such a governance network does help Hui-Ji Temple preserve traditional Taiwanese culture and respond well to the challenges brought by urbanization and modernization. However, this research suggests that more transparency should be brought into the recruitment process of the temple management committee to have more new ideas and modern management skills in organizational management and responding to social needs.
類別 | 標題 | 登刊日期 |
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