A reflective e-learning approach for reading, thinking, and behavioral engagement
作者:Mei-Rong Alice Chen; Yi-Hsuan Lin
Language Learning & Technology (SSCI)
Volume:28 Issue:1
Article Number:73548
Published:JAN 2024
One of the main goals of the English as a Foreign Language (EFL) course is to facilitate the development of learners' reading comprehension and reflective skills in English, which can be developed with appropriate instruction. However, in EFL courses, many students are inactive in reflecting on their reading and are disengaged from learning. To fill this gap, a reflective reading -based e -learning approach was proposed to explore the impact of the suggested approach on reading comprehension, reflective thinking, and behavioral engagement. The study aimed to improve the comprehension of the student's reading using the proposed reflective e -learning approach. The study employed a quasi -experimental design in which the experimental group used reflective reading -based e -learning (n = 51) and the control group used conventional e -learning (n = 50) for a total of 13 weeks of participation. The experiment was designed to examine reading comprehension, reflective thinking, and behavioral engagement (e.g., reading time, Marker list, Quiz score, Memo list). The results revealed that the reflective reading -based e -learning approach could improve the comprehension and reflective thinking of the learners and promote behavioral engagement. These findings can be valuable for educators designing strategies to improve students' reading comprehension skills and stimulate behavioral engagement in e -learning systems.
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