Ø 人社院社會工作學系 李孟蓉副教授
Ø 理學院化學系 王志傑教授
Ø 法學院法律學系 李志峰教授
Ø 法學院法律學系 陳清秀教授
Ø 商學院財務工程與精算數學系 黃孝慈助理教授
Ø 人社院社會工作學系李孟蓉副教授
論文名稱:Effects of the positive Interpersonal and life orientation training (PILOT) program among elementary school students in Taiwan
期刊名稱:Children and Youth Services Review(SSCI)
頁碼(文獻號碼) :107212
This study aimed to investigate the intervention effects of the Positive Interpersonal and Life Orientation Training (PILOT) program on various positive psychological outcomes across two levels of intervention exposure. Most life skill-based intervention programs have been proven to be effective in preventing substance use behaviors and mental illness. However, the effects of these programs on positive psychological competence still needs to be explored. Additionally, the influence of intervention exposure on effectiveness has rarely been considered in most studies. Eight hundred and sixty-eight elementary school students participated in the PILOT program. Analysis of covariance and PROCESS were conducted to investigate the effects of PILOT on the outcome indicators. The results revealed that students exposed to high-level PILOT reported higher levels of resilience, psychological flourishing, substance resistance self-efficacy, cognitive reappraisal, lower levels of depressive symptoms, and internet addiction tendency than students in low-level PILOT in the post-test. The findings indicate that students with a low level of cognitive reappraisal and a high level of depressive symptoms can benefit more from PILOT. The effects of PILOT and their implications in helping students encounter the COVID-19 pandemic in an East Asian context and the influence of fidelity are discussed.
Ø 理學院化學系 王志傑教授
論文名稱:Structural Characterization and Solvent Vapor Sorption of Two Solvent-Dependent Zn(II) Supramolecular Architectures Based on a Flexible Tripodal Thioether-based Pyridyl Ligand and a Dicarboxylate-based Ligand
頁碼(文獻號碼) :290-298
Two solvent-dependent 3D supramolecular architectures constructed by a doubly-interpenetrating layered 2D MOF of [Zn3(L1)2(L2)(Cl)4(CH3OH)2]·6CH3OH (1) and triply-interpenetrating 3D MOF of [Zn(L1)(L2)(H2O)]·2C2H5OH (2) (L1 = 1,3,5-tris(4-pyridylsulfanylmethyl)-2,4,6-trimethylbenzene and L2 = dianion of 2,5-dihydroxyterephthalic acid), were synthesized and structurally characterized using single-crystal X-ray diffraction method. In compound 1, there were two crystallographically independent Zn(II) ionswitha distorted octahedral and a distorted tetrahedral geometries, respectively. L1 acted as a bridge ligand with a tris-monodentate coordination connecting two Zn(II) (Zn(1) and Zn(2)) ions to form a one-dimensional (1D) polymeric chain, generating a [Zn2L12] metallocycle as the building unit. Adjacent chains were then connected via the bridge of Zn(II) and L2 with a bis-monodentate coordination mode to form a two dimensional (2D) layered MOF. Two 2D layers mutually interpenetrated via the L2 ligands penetrating into the [Zn2L12] metallocycle rings to generate a 2D doubly-interpenetrating network. In 2, the Zn(II) ion was six-coordinate bonded to three nitrogen donors of three L1 and three oxygen donors of two crystallographically independent L2 and one H2O molecule to form a distorted octahedral grometry. L1 acted as a bridge ligand with a tris-monodentate coordination connecting Zn(II) ions to forma 2D honeycomb-like layered framework. Adjacent 2D layers were mutually connected via the bridge of Zn(II) and L2 with a bis-monodentate coordination mode to form a three-dimensional (3D) MOF. The much larger intraframework spaces were then occupied by the other two 3D crystallographically identical networks but independent to form a 3D triply interpenetrating supramolecular architecture. The reversible solvent vapor ad-/desorption behaviors were investigated by cyclic de-/re-hydration TG analysis and the water vapor ad-/de-sorption isotherms of 1 and 2 were studied in detail.
Ø 法學院法律學系 李志峰教授
Ø 法學院法律學系 陳清秀教授
頁碼(文獻號碼) :239-341
Ø 商學院財務工程與精算數學系 黃孝慈助理教授
論文名稱:Value-enhancing modeling of surrenders and lapses
期刊名稱:Insurance Mathematics and Economics(SCI)
Voluntary terminations of life insurance policies mean customer churns that usually lead to losses. Accurate predictions of voluntary terminations facilitate churn management, the valuation of life insurance policies, and the (asset-liability) management of life insurers. We use real-world data with adequate explanatory variables to evaluate the performance of three machine learning methods relative to the performance of three statistical methods in predicting voluntary terminations. Moreover, we decompose voluntary terminations into surrenders and lapses and find that some factors used to predict surrenders differ from those used to predict lapses. Then, we establish a two-stage model for insurers to take cost-effective actions to reduce the propensities of surrenders and lapses. This model outperforms conventional ones in terms of the resulting NPV (net present value).
類別 | 標題 | 登刊日期 |
校園頭條 | 第二屆東吳鏈愛節 透過遊戲認識區塊鏈 | 03/11/2025 |
校園頭條 | 菁英薈萃 第六屆傑出校友名單公告 | 02/27/2025 |
校園頭條 | 東吳大學詹校長首訪馬來西亞 推動優秀境外生招生 | 02/27/2025 |
校園頭條 | 2025春季班境外交換生歡迎會重磅登場 校內師長與交換生歡聚普仁堂 | 02/27/2025 |
校園頭條 | 賀!東吳大學化學系蘇平貴教授榮登ScholarGPS 2024全球前0.02%頂尖學者 | 03/11/2025 |