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  • 12/11/2017
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  • 校園頭條
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The combination of two tragedies: Commons and anticommons tragedies

作者:Sun, Chia-Hung, Liu, Chorng-Jian

Journal of Economics

卷:122  期:1  頁碼:29-43



Under a general constant elasticity of substitution (CES) function, this paper generalizes the substitution of concurrent possession of a property right-from perfect substitutes to partial substitutes to perfect complements-in the context of commons/anticommons tragedies. We demonstrate that when the possibility of substitution between property rights is relatively low, inefficiency arises in the underusage of a common resource (i.e. anticommons tragedy). When the possibility of substitution between property rights is relatively high, inefficiency arises in the overusage of a common resource (i.e. commons tragedy). When the possibility of substitution between property rights is moderate, the two tragedies (commons and anticommons) are combined and may achieve efficient usage of a common resource, which is the notion of two negatives making a positive.

本文透過固定替代彈性函數,一般化共同財產權的替代性,以研究共有資源與反共有資源的悲劇。研究結果發現,當共同財產權的替代性相對較低時,將造成資源的使用不足,亦即產生反共有資源的悲劇;當共同財產權的替代性相對較高時,將造成資源的過度使用,亦即產生共有資源的悲劇;當共同財產權的替代性相對適中時,此兩悲劇 (共有資源與反共有資源的悲劇) 的結合,反而將使得資源的使用達到效率性。

