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  • 03/07/2019
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  • 校園頭條
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Phytophallogocentrism: Developing a Posthuman Aesthetics through Barthes, Bose, and Woolf







In The Philosopher’s Plant, Michael Marder describes Jacques Derrida’s philosophy of the plant as “phytophallogocentrism.” Appropriating Derrida’s logic of the sup- plement, Marder adds the affix “phyto” to phallogocentrism to designate a think- ing pattern that grows like a plant on the margin of the rigid edifice of Western metaphysics. In this article, I extend this concept of phytophallogocentrism to fos- ter an aesthetics of posthumanism through an interfolding of photography and plants. Both associated with light, photography and plants respond to light me- chanically, unlike the humanist tradition which has long associated light with rea- son. Both the mechanicality involved in photo-making and a plant’s life point to an “optical unconscious,” which we may say offers a handful of dirt for the seed of a posthuman aesthetics to grow. In this article, I draw on Roland Barthes’s view of photography and Jagadis Chunder Bose’s studies of plants to bring to light the zig- zagging conceptual bond between the two prefixes, “photo-” and “phyto-,” and the three affixes, “-graph,” “-trope,” and “-troph.” I then read Virginia Woolf’s The Waves in light of what I consider to be her phytophallogocentric move. I argue that the phenomena of life presented in the novel are phototrophic and that the text itself is photo-tropic.

